18: Communication

Warning – this unit was last revised in 2007

Unit 18: Communication

Research Material:
The Driving Instructor’s Handbook

“Is concerned with pupil’s understanding of instruction, appropriateness of language, and use of jargon (with or without explanation). Includes the ability to adapt and to use language and terminology likely to be familiar to the particular pupil and not to overload them with over-technical and complex explanations.” – From the examiner’s marking guidelines (ADI1)

Everything you say needs to be understood. This may seem simple and obvious, but when you put this into context of (for example) explaining how the clutch works, you realise that you would use very different language when dealing with a mechanic or a nail technician. Watching your customer’s reactions to your explanations will help with this – the glazed look, or the nod of agreement can be small clues as to whether something is understood or over their head.

Be aware of how things are interpreted, and if necessary, ask your customer to repeat things back to you, in the way that they have understood them. Watch for inaccuracies, or easily twisted phrases.

An awareness of your customer’s knowledge here is essential, so be aware of re-cap information, and during examinations, the “word picture” given to you by the examiner.

Remember the different way that people learn – a thinker may want more explanations, in order to be able to get a big picture before attempting something, a researcher may well have read up on something already, and a tryer may well be fidgetting with the controls – a sure hint that they just want to start doing it!

Discussion Points:
Clear words or jargon
Body language
Understanding and gaining agreement

Talk through the MSM/PSL routine on approach to a left turn without using the words “check” “signal” “manoeuvre” “position” or “speed”!

Explain the clutch to your trainer as they role-play:
A trainee mechanic
A nail technician

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